Thursday, January 30, 2020

Relax. It's easier than you think

Relaxing is easy right? Well, sometimes this statement can be a tricky one. Sometimes relaxing is actually quite difficult, but it does not have to be as difficult as it may seem.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Welcome to Diamond Dotz Therapy!

Hi there, and welcome to Diamond Dotz Therapy!

In this blog I will be sharing information about Diamond Dotz and how these very fun projects can be a great stress reducer. Almost everyone has some sort of stress in their life right? And sometimes we look for ways to reduce that stress. Diamond Dotz are a great way for just that. 
The time that is spent on creating these beautiful images can be very therapeutic. I would know. I am a full time college student with a part time job. I know first hand that life can easily become very stressful, and that is why I started using Diamond Dotz myself. And, to my surprise, I found the art of using small 'diamonds' to create an image, can be very relaxing. 
This is why I am creating this blog. I want to share with you the different ways that using Diamond Dotz can help ease your mind and reduce that stress in your own life.  


Are you creative? Yes? No? Whether you answered yes or no, Diamond Dotz are for you. Diamond Dotz are for people both creative and not creat...