Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Colors are everywhere you look. Just take a look around you and your surroundings. What do you see? I can guarantee that there are some sort of colors around you. Are you inside a building? What color are the walls? Or are you outside? What color are the trees or the grass or even the parking lot? Color is everywhere and we tend to look past what color means to us and how important color can be. Diamond Dotz can help us look at colors and remind us just how beautiful and important they are.

Image result for color wheel
Color Wheel 
Color is very important to how we feel. We don't use dark colors such as black or dark gray to describe our feelings as happy. Color is associated with feelings. When you think black, you think dark. When you think blue, you think sad. Red is associated with anger. And pink is seen as a beautiful feminine color. For me, I love pink. I think it is a beautiful color that is light enough to show my light and fun personality.

My fiance and I are moving into a place of our own in a few days, and we are painting the walls. I chose a light tannish color called vallila sugar. Its not exactly tan but not exactly white, more of an off white color. I chose this color because it is light and will brighten up the house. And I feel like a lighter color will express my personality more than a darker color would. 

What I am trying to get at here, is that color is important in our lives. Yet we do not always recognize this, we tend to just think that color is color, so what. But color is so much more, color is our life and an explanation of our personalities.

 But, how does color fit into this blog you may ask. This is a great question, and one that I shall answer. 

Diamond Dotz are full of color. You use color to to make the image using different colored diamonds. You also use color to match what color goes where on the canvas. Color is a huge part of diamond paintings. Just take the photo below as an example. 

crossstitch, DIAMOND, Wall Art, Home Decor
Diamond Painting
Without the use of color within this painting, you would not get the full effect of its beauty. But because the photo uses color to contrast with the other colors, you can see the beauty that color has to offer. This can be therapeutic in its own way. Looking at your finished diamond painting and looking at the calming colors can help ease your stress a bit and take your mind off of whatever it is that is currently going on in your life. 

Color is always there and has always been part of our lives, but sometimes we tend to take it for granted and look past it. That is why I have taken the time to create this blog post, to remind you that color is important to our lives and that it can be therapeutic. 

I invite all of you to comment below and share your experience with color. What is your favorite color? Does your favorite color, in a way, show your personality traits? 

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Are you creative? Yes? No? Whether you answered yes or no, Diamond Dotz are for you. Diamond Dotz are for people both creative and not creat...